Axiom’s mission is to operationalize every bit of event data in your organization.

Timestamped event data records every digital interaction between human, sensor, and machine, making it the atomic unit of activity for organizations. For this reason, every function in any business with digital activity can benefit from leveraging event data.

Each event is simply a structured record—composed of key-value pairs—that captures meaningful interactions or changes in state within a system. While these can appear in various forms, they usually contain the following:

  • Timestamp: When the event occurred.
  • Attributes: A set of key-value pairs offering details about the event context.
  • Metadata: Contextual labels and IDs that connect related events.

Uses of event data

Event data, understood as the atomic unit of digital activity, is the lifeblood of modern businesses. Leveraging the power of event data is essential in the following areas, among others: